Sunday, June 29, 2008
Posted by
Cocoa aficionado
1:29 AM
Labels: Something About Nothing 有嘢冇嘢
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Make Cookies on the Day of Hoisting Typhoon Signal No. 8 八號風球焗曲奇
Apart from watching tv and chatting, we found a good activity to kill time. That was to make cookies. Actually, I like to use muffin mix and cookie mix to make muffins and cookies respectively because it lets me to make delicious product easily and simply. "Quaker" always is my first choice's mix; but I could not find this brand in Hong Kong so far. Therefore, I bought "Betty Crocker" as the substitution during my last last time's supermarket shopping. My comment for Betty Crocker's cookie mix is that the baked cookies were over sweet...too bad! Anyway, I had have SUCCESSfully use my mircowave/convection oven for the first time baking food not microwave food.
今早醒來後,我立即打開電視,並知道八號颱風警告信號仍然生效。 我第一件事就想到叫我的 小表妹來我家, 因為我與她已有一段時間沒見面了,而且,她亦不需要上學去。
除了看電視和聊天外,我們亦想到了另一好活動來消磨時間。 那就是做曲奇餅。 事實上,我喜歡使用鬆餅混合粉和曲奇餅混合粉來做鬆餅及做曲奇餅。 因為它讓我能容易地做出美味的鬆餅及曲奇餅。 "Quaker" 總是我的第一選擇; 但是,我在香港還是找不到這個品牌的混合粉。 因此,我在上上次逛超級市場的時候便買了 "Betty Crocker" 這牌子的曲奇餅混合粉作為代替。 我對於 "Betty Crocker" 曲奇餅混合粉的意見是過甜。 不管怎樣,我也至少成功地用我的微波焗爐第一次焗食物,而並不是微波加熱食物。
Posted by
Cocoa aficionado
10:51 PM
Labels: Moment in Life 墮入凡間
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Black Sheep at Shek O
Once I decided to go to Shek O last Saturday, I searched instantly over the internet and saw if there was a decent western-style restaurant that was worth a visit. Only three matched results were found from both and; they were Black Sheep, Paradiso, and Shining Stone. However, no comment was left for the latter two while most of the comments for Black Sheep were positive. Without any hesitation, I called Black Sheep for the reservation and asked them if I could bring my lovely doggy, MoMo, to dine with us. Hooray...they didn't mind MoMo's participation.
Though Black Sheep is a very small restaurant, it has its own style. Their decoration may give you a bit feeling of situating at a Philippine resturant. First, you would pass through the patio (~2 to 3 tables) to get into the dining room (~8 tables) and behind the dining room, there is a plain bar with small area of dance floor where you could dance during your dinner. As they use few lights (mainly counted on candles and ultraviolet lamps); so the whole environment is fair dim. Furthermore, they won't give you the menu as all the dishes are written down on the boards.Fresh Mint Lemonade (right) & Fresh strawberry juice (left) They're worth trying even though the former was rather sour and the latter was rather sweet.
Onion Soup ($75) Would be better if cheese was served as topping.
Mama's Ox Tail Soup ($89) Nothing special; below my expectation!
The average spending per person of this dinner was HK$380. I would say Black Sheep is worth 7.3/10
Phone/ 電話 #: 2809-2021
Address: G/F., 330 Shek O Village Road, Shek O
地址: 石澳石澳村330號地下
Posted by
Cocoa aficionado
1:49 PM
Labels: Death by Savory Food 隨處飲食
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Recalling those Weekends 久遺了的週末
It was about six months that I had put myself in an indescribable life. A life without energy and specific interest. Seldom going out to get updated and not even intentionally going to somewhere that is far away from the urban for nothing.
Last Saturday was a fine day for me because I suddenly was in mood to go out and could make a quick decision for the destination - Shek O. We drove more than half an hour to get there for a walk at the beach and dinner at Black Sheep. Due to the unstable weather of that day and the time (about 17:45), there were not many people on the beach. I felt so relaxed and carefree by immersing myself in the soft sunlight and the gentle breeze. Besides, I enjoyed pretty much watching MoMo's freedom in running and your concentration on taking the good pictures. It was nice that there were only three of us spending the whole evening together over there.
That was a fabulous day; simple but happy. In fact, I believe that family is important, friend is essential, work is necessary, hobby is indispensable, and last but not least, "us time" also should not be neglected.
對我來說,上星期六是個美好的一天,因為我突然間很有興致出外走走。 並且我更能很快速地想到了目的地 - 石澳。 經過大半小時的車程後,我們到達石澳; 為的只是在沙灘散步和在 Black Sheep晚餐。 由於不穩定的天氣和不早的時間 (約17:45),沒有太多人在沙灘上。 溫和的陽光和微微的風使我覺得如此輕鬆和無憂。 而且,我也頗享受看著MoMo自由自在地奔跑以及你那全神灌注於拍攝靚相的時刻。 更加不錯的事是只有我們三個一起在石澳那裡度過一整個晚上。
那是個極好的一天; 簡單但愉快。 事實上,我相信家庭是重要的,朋友是必需的,工作是必要的,嗜好是不可缺少的,最後但同樣重要的是"我們時間"是不應該被忽視的。
Posted by
Cocoa aficionado
1:07 PM
Labels: Little Secret 切切私語
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Beats Me
Beats Me
meaning : (idiom) I have no idea.
example : Kitty asked "Who will attend the party tonight?" Daniel replied "Beats me!"
Posted by
Cocoa aficionado
7:16 PM
Labels: English Sharing 英語分享